
Courses offered in English

You can find the list of courses taught in English language below.

Depending on the number of incoming Erasmus students interested for a particular course, the course can be taught in a group but also via tutorials. Tutorial means that the students do not attend lectures (the lectures are in Croatian language) but they are given independent project (semestral work) to do individually and are assigned a supervisor who provides consultation and study support in English language. However, we recommend to all Erasmus students to attend the courses taught in English language in order fully experience academic life at Erasmus.

The list of subjects is divided per program studies.

All Erasmus students can participate in all subjects regardless of their field of study.

Download the full list of courses containing detailed information for:

Winter semester 2025/26

Spring semester 2024/25

Winter semester 2024/25

Spring semester 2023/24

Winter semester 2023/24

Spring semester 2022/23

Winter semester 2022/23

Spring semester 2021/22

Winter semester 2021/22

Summer semester 2020/21

Winter semester 2020/21

Summer semester 2019/20

Winter semester 2019/20

Summer semester 2018/19

Winter semester 2018/19 (Undergraduate level)

Summer semester 2017/18 (Graduate level)

Summer semester 2017/18 (Undergraduate level)