
Jean Monnet Module

Economics of the European Monetary Union - Jean Monnet Module

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels (EACEA) has approved a grant to VERN’ for the project “Economics of the European Monetary Union” and the course was awarded a special status by the Agency, i.e. the title “Jean Monnet Module”.

The project entails implementing the course “Economics of the European Monetary Union”, research on the EU monetary issues as well as organizing a few conferences or round tables with experts on the issues relating to the Eurozone and the European Union.

Docent Dubravko Radošević, PhD, is the academic head (coordinator) of the project and the lecturer of Economics of EMU, a course implemented at VERN within the Jean Monnet Module. The administrative coordinator of the project is Mr. Dubravko Kraus from VERN’ International Cooperation Office.

Jean Monnet Programme was launched in 1989 with the aim of promoting excellence in teaching and research on European integrations at universities. It was named after Jean Monnet, a French statesman and one of the architects of the European Union idea. Over time the Programme was included in the Lifelong Learning Programme and since 2014 it has been part of the Erasmus+ Programme.

Within the framework of Erasmus+, Jean Monnet Programme aims to contribute to the enhanced employability of students, diversification of fields of study, expansion of geographical scope and promotion of careers of younger lecturers and researchers. Jean Monnet Activities are implemented by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels (EACEA). Further information on Jean Monnet Activities is available on EACEA website. Additionally, information on the projects so far can be found in the project database:

Jean Monnet Programme fosters and supports the following activities: Jean Monnet Modules, Jean Monnet Chairs and Centres of Excellence, Jean Monnet Networks, Jean Monnet Projects and Jean Monnet support to Institutions and Associations.

Jean Monnet Modules are teaching modules on the topic of European integrations as part of the official curriculum at institutions of higher education. They can be implemented as introductory (general) courses on EU issues, specialized courses on EU developments or summer school courses.

About the course

The course “Economics of the European Monetary Union – Jean Monnet Module” is an elective course at study programs Accounting and Finance (RIF) and Entrepreneurial Management (POM) in the winter semester of the second (final) year of specialist graduate programs at VERN’, Zagreb. Within the framework of Jean Monnet Module the course will be implemented for three years, i.e. in the academic years 2015/2016, 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 Course coordinator: docent Dubravko Radošević, PhD, senior research associate at the Institute of Economics Zagreb, docent at Zagreb University, and as an external associate, lecturer of Economics at VERN’.

Further information about Jean Monnet Programme:

Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA),

Jean Monnet Activities:

Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes,

Useful links:

European Commission, Economic and Financial Affairs,

European Central Bank (ECB),

Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS),

Bruegel Institute,