Creativity, innovation, economics

Meet Janani Ramanathan - keynote speaker at VERN’s “Creative Future Insights 2021” conference

Creativity, innovation, economics

VERN University organizes the international scientific conference Creative Future Insights 2021 – Creative Industries and Experience Economy, which will be held at VERN University in Zagreb on September 14th and 15th.

The conference is co-organized by the Institute of Economics in Zagreb and will be held in partnership with the Croatian Cluster of Creative and Cultural Industries and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Creative Future Insights 2021 is the International Scientific Conference about creative industries and their role in today’s economy. The goal of the conference is to bring scientists and experts to discuss the fastest growing sector of the EU economy.

The keynote speakers will be distinguished international scientists and experts.

One of the speakers at the International Scientific Conference "Creative Future Insights 2021" will be Janani Ramanathan, a senior research associate at the MSS Research Institute (MSSR) in India.

In addition, Janani Ramanathan is also the Director of the World University Consortium and a Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has spent more than two decades in transdisciplinary research in education and the creative arts.

At the MSSR, Janani Ramanathan collaborates daily with practitioners, policymakers, and academic researchers in the social, human, and natural sciences.

She is currently working on a project that studies creative arts to gain a better understanding of the theory of social development, which can then be consciously applied to catalyze social transformation…

Ms. Ramanathan is also a member of the Advisory Board of Educational Institutions in India, which works to improve the content and pedagogy in Indian schools and universities, intending to make learning contextual, collaborative, student-centered, and thus more effective…

The full profile of Janani Ramanathan and the conference program you can find on the official website

Communication Department


Date of publication: August 25, 2021