The lecture was given by Slavica Olujić Klapčić, director of the Katapult Promotion Agency.
What the organization of some of the most important Zagreb tourist events looks like, such as the Ice Park on Tomislav Square, Christmas Market in Zrinjevac Park, Maksimir Park, Zagreb Yards, etc.?
The answers to these students' questions were provided by Ms. Slavica Olujić Klapčić, director of Katapult Promotion, an agency that deals with the organization and promotion of events. Slavica Olujić Klapčić was a guest in the Event Management course at VERN’s undergraduate study Tourism and Hotel Management.
The guest shared with students her rich experience in the event organization industry and advised the students on how to achieve a business career in the event industry, what knowledge and skills students should develop, and showed them the development of the event from idea to realization.
Students followed the lecture with great interest, they engaged in interaction throughout the presentation with a series of questions and comments. Communication with company representatives is the best way to gain insight into the business processes, as students will pursue throughout their careers.
Communication Department
Date of publication: June 10, 2022