Guest lecture

VERN’s students hosted an online guest lecture on city image management and the pandemic

Guest lecture

This lecture was held for the students of Business Communications Management.

How does the city of Karlovac and its people cope with the crisis situation of the pandemic and what is the role of local government in this process? How has the life quality of citizens and the city itself improved through projects and EU funds, and how is the work on projects developing in the midst of the pandemic crisis? What are the activities and obligations of local government stakeholders for the purpose of crisis management, the timely informing of citizens and implementation of specific activities?

VERN students found out the answers to these and other interesting questions in the field of political communication and politics at the local level at an online guest lecture given by the Mayor of Karlovac Damir Mandić, as part of the Political Communication course held by assistant professor Nikolina Borčić, Ph.D.

The Mayor of Karlovac explained to the students how Karlovac managed to change the identity and image of the city, primarily through co-financing projects through the EU funds, what communication looks like in the times of crisis and how trust is built between local authorities and citizens in extremely difficult circumstances of the pandemic. Mayor Damir Mandić showed students on real life examples that political campaigns should base their strength and persuasiveness on concrete actions and quick reactions with the necessary cooperation with citizens. It is precisely by engaging in politics in this way that it is possible to change the city itself, and consequently the society for the better.

The students expressed interest in this topic through a number of questions related to how to manage the city, implement projects and measure results, and on the example of these activities they clearly saw the importance of local elections and how systematic and dedicated work of local authorities can bring visible results.

Communication Department


Date of publication: December 18, 2020