As part of the international collaboration between VERN 'University and Brittany Université, students of this international university will have the opportunity to learn from VERN's distinguished professors.
A professor at VERN ’University and Head of the University Undergraduate Study of Cyber Communication, assistant professor Mirela Holy, Ph.D. gave a guest lecture for students at Brittany Université.
In the online lecture entitled "The Green New Deal and changes in the EU environmental policies", our professor listed the main points from the key European strategic development document, the Green New Plan, whose implementation will make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
"Implementation of the Green New Plan can be divided into two phases, the first, preparatory, which will end in 2025. In that period all strategies, policies and action plans with precisely defined deadlines for the implementation of the Green New Plan will be developed and adopted. The transition to climate neutrality will last for one generation, i.e. from 2025 to 2050, and it implies radical changes in the field of economy, environmental protection, and social equality, "explained our professor.
In the continuation of the lecture, she presented an overview of all previous steps in the legal implementation of the Green New Plan and pointed out that given the fact that environmental policy is a common policy of the European Union, these policies are binding on all member states.
"The Green New Plan brings many changes in the EU's environmental policy, so during the lecture, I presented the most important policy issues in the field of environmental protection related to the implementation of the Green New Plan," explained assistant professor Mirela Holy, Ph.D.
The purpose of these lectures is to pass on to foreign students international experiences and knowledge in the field studied in VERN’s study programs as well as to show them how scientific and professional knowledge can be implemented in business practice and personal development.
By the end of this year, VERN ’University professors will hold several guest lectures for students of Brittany Université, and for now, we can announce the next lectures
Jadranka Ivanković, Ph.D. (October 29, 2021)International Marketing in Practice, Brand Strategy - Croatian Cases, Marketing Innovations in Food Industry - Cases
Diana Plantić Tadić, Ph.D. (November 30, 2021)Offline vs. Online marketing communication
Communication Department
Photographs: Petar Vučetić
Date of publication: October 1, 2021