International cooperation

SUCCESFUL COOPERATION WITH Academy of Tourism in Antalya, Turkey CONTINUES

This will be the second academic year of the Top Up program, an educational module that offers a possibility to students of the Academy of Tourism from Antalya to complete VERN's courses and obtain an internationally recognized diploma.

This year during the program in Antalya VERN 's professors gave courses from various fields, such as PR in Tourism, Economics, Mediterranean Culture, Language Skills and Information Technology. It was a unique opportunity for our professors to share their knowledge with foreign students, but also an opportunity for both professors and students to exchange experiences and explore differences between cultures, different educational systems and different challenges of the tourism industry.

As a part of a PR in Tourism course students presented their work on a campaign for the group spokesman in order to develop new skills and experiences in Public Relations field.


Communication Department


Date of publication: March 8, 2020