Erasmus+ Programme

International Experience – VERN's students have study and work in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic and Netherlands

Students have decided to use benefits of the Erasmus + program to gain academic and professional knowledge in an international environment.

Numerous VERN’s students each year use the benefits of VERN's participation in the EU Erasmus + program for international mobility – to study one semester at a number of European higher education institutions or to work in successful European companies where they gain professional experience. We bring you some of their impressions.

As part of my Erasmus exchange I have chosen two destinations: Madrid and Barcelona. In Madrid, I decided for Rey Juan Carlos Universidad because of the already existing cooperation with VERN' and in Barcelona I did my work placement at Hotel Ginebra. Although the classes in Madrid were very instructive and dynamic, I think I learned the most from my work placement at which I went through all the positions in the hotel. I was the only student enrolled in the work placement program so I had the opportunity to learn a lot from that experience. Apart from gaining good friends from Iran, Korea and Germany, the relaxation of the local population left the great influence on me.

Dora Domicinovic

For my Erasmus work placement, I chose the Seehotel Schlierseer Hof in Schliersee, near Munich. This seemed like an ideal destination for learning about German and Bavarian culture, as well as further enhancing my German language skills. The hotel was a pleasant working environment where I met a lot of acquaintances. All that I learned during my studies was I used in some way during work placement and in this way it further expanded my knowledge. I recommend to everybody to participate in the Erasmus program because that experience can teach you a lot and give you the opportunity to see a lot.

Lucia Radosevic

For my work placement I wanted to come to the Renaissance Hotel in Amsterdam, which belongs to the Marriott International Hotel chain, one of the largest and most developed hotel chains in the world, which was the reason I chose this hotel in particular. Everyone enrolled in the work placement have been provided with excellent programs, so that we have not only learned about the position we are working on, but also about the tasks of all hotel departments that provide various skills from various areas that are an excellent base for further career development. In addition to the knowledge gained at work, I have gained valuable acquaintances and friends from all over the world.

Paula Pojic

I chose ESIC Business & Marketing School in Madrid because I was sure I wanted to go to Madrid and after a brief research I found out that this is actually one of the best, if not the best marketing school in Spain. I would recommend participating Erasmus program to everybody, especially coming for your exchange to Spain, which is a beautiful country where you can learn much from the local people. In addition to studying, nightlife is phenomenal there are organized trips for students with whom you can visit Spain very cheaply and in great company!

Danijela Jurjevic

I wanted to go to Prague for a long time, so it was very easy for me to choose Univezita Jana Amos Komenskeho for my exchange. Prague delighted me, so I fell in love with the city and I'm sorry I have to go back. It took me about two weeks to fully adapt to the town and its public transport, because it is a much bigger city than Zagreb.

Hrvoje Bilic

The work placement experience in the Amsterdam Marriott Hotel was excellent, and could serve as a reference for future jobs or for a return to the Marriott. In addition to the business side of the experience, I lived in an extremely multicultural area and, which helped me in gaining new perspectives. Also, I gained many new friends and business colleagues and met the Netherlands and its culture, customs and traditions.

Marin Gregurev

I chose University Jana Amos Komenského in Prague for my exchange because my great-grandmother was from Czech Republic and I wanted to practice Czech language and learn more about the culture and life of Prague since it always attracted me. The university was great. The coordinators were always friendly and kind, and 90% of the lectures were the ones I had to listen to at VERN' so I did not have any problems continuing my studies back at VERN'. Prague with its architecture and lifestyle won me over, but it took me two months to walk safely around the city without the help of Google Maps.

Waithera Wana Kiiru

Communication Department

Date of publication: February 22, 2019