Students choose their destinations based on classes they will attend, possibility to learn foreign languages but also the size of destination.
We bring you a second part of impressions of our students after their Erasmus exchange semester.
For my Erasmus exchange I’ve chose the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administrão do Porto in Porto, because I’ve liked the offered lectures I could attend, as well as the opportunity to learn Portuguese in addition to studying. Porto, as a city, is very interesting and full of life, with a very active and developed Erasmus student network. It is very nice to study at I.S.C.A.P because most of the professors are dedicated to showing us as much as possible, apart from the lectures we attend, of the culture and customs in Portugal. Because of all the people I met and friends I acquired, Erasmus will definitely be an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life.
Matea Rasica
When I’ve been choosing a destination for Erasmus, apart from the university I would attend, I also wanted to come to a city I liked, since it would become my home for 6 months. I liked Porto because it is neither too big nor too small of a city, and culture is not so different from ours, so I thought I would manage faster and easier. The college I’ve chose was Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administraão do Porto, and all this experience was precious to me because academic duties and lessons were conceived differently than at VERN', so I was given the opportunity to study in a different way. The university organized an orientation week at which the local students showed us the main attractions of the city, organized various activities in order to get to know and connect to Erasmus students, explain everything about the obligations at the university, public transport, show us some places to go out and similar.
Massimo Radic
Studying at the University of Applied Social Science in Vilnius was very interesting, the subjects that we listened to were lectured by experienced professors and I gained a lot of new knowledge. Lectures and seminars are well organized and are based on practical knowledge more than on theory. The professors were highly available for communication and the atmosphere was more relaxed than in usual lectures, which was also helped by other Erasmus students who were communicative and always ready to socialize.
Nika Podunajec Atanasov
Of all the exchange destinations offered to me as a student of business informatics, I was most attracted by SMK University of Applied Social Sciences in Vilnius. The organization of lectures and seminars at the faculty was very good, so I successfully expanded my knowledge thanks to professors who are very experienced and have transferred their knowledge to us students well. I was also helped by a lot of other students who were very open and ready to cooperate with the studies when needed, but also for socializing and traveling in their spare time. If you are traveling in the winter semester, get ready for a cold winter, but that did not prevent me from getting to know Vilnius and all of its events and attractions.
Ivana Jumic
For my exchange, I chose the Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague because it is a multicultural city where you can find all the nationalities of the world, and with its rich culture and many attractions, Prague is one of the most visited cities in Europe, making it perfect destination for a student of tourism. Participation in the Erasmus program brought me friends from all over the world, getting to know the new city, state and culture, and the experience of living and adapting to a new and such a big city. During these four months, I had to speak English all the time and that improved my English as much as possible in that time.
Marinko Sucic
Departing to another country opened the door to many interesting experiences and acquaintances, and also taught me some valuable lessons in life. I chose to study in Vienna at FHWien for the beauty of the city and interesting lectures I could attend to at this university.
Iva Juricevic
For my Erasmus exchange, I chose University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. I've always wanted to go to a big city for a long time, so I thought Madrid was an ideal choice. I recommend participating in the exchange to anyone, as it's an experience that can bring you a lot of positive experiences.
Antonio Mazarekic
Communication Department
Date of publication: March 6, 2019