International exchange

Erasmus students' impressions about studying at VERN' – The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Germany…

Since it joined Erasmus+ programme VERN' has been a host for international students from numerous European countries.

Let's find out why they have choose Croatia and VERN' for their Erasmus destination.

Croatian people are very kind with young students and for me it has been very common to find people who I would like to talk to. Also if you tell them that you are studying abroad they seem interested about your experience and your country. Tip for new Erasmus students try to find foreigner friends. If you stay only with students from your country you will never enjoy your Erasmus experience as you might.

Benjamín Alcázar Hurtado from Spain, ESIC University

I wanted to go abroad to a country that I haven’t been to, which is not too expensive and has some good travelling opportunities. Croatia checked all those boxes and VERN’ happened to be the university which is a partner institution of my university. I was happily surprised to see that the ESN is planning a lot of activities here, since they haven’t been really active in Erasmus destinations where my colleagues have travelled to.

Dennie Doms from Netherlands, Avans University of Applied Sciences

I have always wanted to visit Croatia and VERN’ gave me that opportunity. It was my first time in Croatia and it has been a great experience and I would do it all over again. For people who are coming to study abroad in Croatia I have one message: You won’t have any regrets. People are really nice and the city has a lot to offer, especially regarding the events for Erasmus students.

Esat ÇELİK from Turkey, Beykent University

I have chosen my destination according to the classes offered in each country, and those at VERN’ have been the most interesting to me. Plus, I have never visited Croatia before and this part of Europe is a place I always wanted to see. So it was the perfect combination. Anybody who is coming here will learn different things from different experiences and that’s the beauty of studying abroad. If I have one thing to say it would just be “Go for it!”

Pamela Bouchard from Belgium, Haute Ecole Albert Jacquard

Studying in Zagreb is different, fun and not simple, but our professors have been listening to our needs, they were helping us and giving us useful tips. Zagreb is a beautiful city, little for a capital that brings you peace. It’s a nice place to go study as it is not stressful, it is quiet and very easy to discover. Plus, it is probably the cheapest than the most European capitals. Beside Zagreb I have visited Split, Zadar and Rovinj.

Jade Camus from France, EFAP Paris

Since I am studying Tourism and recreation at my domestic university, I wanted to learn more about tourism and VERN‘ sounded like a great option for that. Studying in Zagreb is something really special. Professors are well educated, they are really professionals in their fields and friendly with all students.

Abdumalik Akhmedjanov from Uzbekistan (LITHUANIA-SMK)

I choose to spend my Erasmus at VERN’ after I have talked with a colleague who had already spent the semester at VERN’ before. So when I have red about the experiences at VERN’ I have decided to put it on the first place of my choice.

Jonas Schmidt from Germany, Hochschule Bremen

Come with open mind. Croatia is a beautiful country and has many neighbour countries you can easily visit. It was easy and interesting to study in Croatia, because all of professors speak English very good.

Sara-Sofia Hussein from Finland, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences

Communication Department

Date of publication: June 3, 2019