Erasmus+ Programme

Impressions of foreign students about studying at VERN - Germany, Poland and France

Since joining the Erasmus+ Programme VERN' has been hosting students from many European countries. What do they think about studying at VERN’, studying and living in Zagreb and what are their impressions about Croatia you can find below.

I've heard from some previous exchange students that VERN' is a great partner of our University in Aalen, and it also offers a great choice of lectures with interesting topics. Zagreb is a great city to be a student in, and it's Erasmus Student Network provides activities for exchange students.

Tanja Mohr - Germany, Aalen University

I chose VERN’ because I’ve heard that it’s a very good university, and it’s located in the capital, so I said to myself “why not?”. I first visited Croatia two years ago and fell in love with the people. Croats are extremely nice and helpful, so when I was choosing a destination, Croatia was my number one choice. I like studying on VERN’ because of the curriculum, which is based more on the practical, and less on the theoretical.

Dominika Sokołowska - Poland, University of Economics in Katowice

I read several recommendations about VERN’ before I finally decided for it, and they were all about the high quality and the variety of courses which it offers. I was also attracted to Croatia because of it’s rich historical and cultural heritage and it’s beautiful nature. Zagreb was a wonderful host; Erasmus atmosphere is great and the city is bursting with life and numerous events.

Katarzyna Szulgo - Poland, University of Gdańsk

I chose VERN’ because it seemed interesting and offered some classes which were different from the ones I had in France. Studying in Zagreb is nice, the city is very pretty and not too big. You can visit many parks, museums, the old city center and everything else Zagreb has to offer. The Erasmus community is quite big, so you can easily find company to discover the rest of Croatia, what probably is the best part of this experience.

Elise Rousselet - France, ISCOM Lille

Erasmus is an extraordinary experience, for both personal and professional development. As a professional, I liked the diversity of the proposed classes I could attend on VERN'. Coming to Zagreb also helped me discover a culture I knew barely anything about. This was my first visit to Croatia, but certanly not the last, since I am not likely to forget my time on VERN' and in this wonderful city.

Flora Pic - France, EFAP Paris
Tanja Mohr at the class

Communication Department

Date of publication: January 15, 2019