International cooperation

Finalization of EU funded project SILICE with Israeli and Indian partners

International consortium of European, Israeli and Indian partners has successfully ended EU funded project SILICE- Social Innovation for Local Indian and Israeli Communities and graduate Entrepreneurs.

VERN's experts and mentors Iva Biondić, Vice- Dean for Strategic Development, Gordana Ćorić, teacher at VERN’ and Tea Gagro Held, project manager, have participated in the final event of the project at the Israeli academic Centre IDC Herzliya. The last partner meeting and conference served as an opportunity to look back at the past 3 years of cooperation, discuss the main acihievements of the project and review the quality of implementation. VERN’s team presented its contribution the to successful realization of this project through the following activities:

  • Designing and conducting training for SinnoLab managers
  • Designing and delivering programs for professors and students
  • Organizing the final international multidisciplinary camp on the island of Vis

SILICE project had a goal to develop an open-source platform that promotes social innovation ideas and international cooperation at regional level between the EU, Israel, and India. As part of the project, a creative and supportive environment for partner HEIs through the establishment of 9 SinnoLABs (Social Innovation Labs) was developed which will contribute to development of social enterprises in their diverse forms.

Project logo SILICE logo

Communication Department


Date of publication: January 23, 2020