Željko graduated from VERN's undergraduate study of Entrepreneurship Economics and the graduate study of Business Communications Management, and is one of the initiators of the AI and Data science community in Croatia.
Our alumni Željko Krizmanić has been appointed as head of the BIRD Incubator, which will start operating on the first day of 2021, and will support the development of innovative software ideas based on big data, AI and machine learning technologies.
Željko is one of the creators of the art and data community in Croatia. He is a member of the presidency of the Croatian Association for Artificial Intelligence CroAI. Željko has rich professional experience in organizing the most important events that bring together experts and enthusiasts in the field of artificial intelligence. He is the main organizer of the conference AI2FUTURE, Data Science Economics and cITy Upgrades; co-founder of the Artificial Intelligence Future Gathering Group with more than 1,300 members; and former head of promotion and public relations at the most widely read business magazine Leader.
He graduated from VERN undergraduate program Entrepreneurship Economics and graduate program Business Communications Management.
The main area of activity of the BIRD incubator can be inferred from the abbreviation - Business, Intelligence, Research & Development - their goal is to provide development support not only to projects from Croatia, but also from around the world. A team of experienced experts and mentors from business, entrepreneurial, technological and startup ecosystems will be in charge of this.
Congratulations on this nomination, Željko!
Communication Department